Michigan Priest Sex Abuse Lawsuit FAQs

Attorneys Answer Common Michigan Clergy Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Questions

Michigan Priest Sex Abuse Lawsuit FAQ

This page contains common Michigan priest sex abuse lawsuit questions and answers that apply to most claims. To discuss the particulars of your case in a confidential setting, contact our firm directly.

Our team of attorneys handling Michigan priest sexual abuse lawsuit claims provides free, no obligation case review. Once we hear from you, one of our experienced lawyers will contact you promptly to provide answers to your questions about filing a Michigan priest sex abuse lawsuit. Consultations are confidential, without obligation, and completely free of charge.

Who can file a priest sexual abuse lawsuit in Michigan?

Any person or family member of a person who experienced priest sexual abuse in Michigan may be eligible to file a claim against the Michigan Catholic Church or other responsible institution for its failure to protect youth in its care.

How much time do I have to file a Michigan priest sex abuse lawsuit?

At this time, new legislation permits many adult survivors of priest sexual abuse to bring claims forward against priests, Catholic school teachers, camp leaders or other individuals serving the Catholic Church. No matter your age or how long ago the incident took place, you may qualify to file a Michigan priest sexual abuse lawsuit. For specific time limits for your claim, please fill out the form at right and one of our attorneys will contact you as quickly as possible, usually within the hour.

Does it cost anything for you to review my case?

We will always listen to your circumstances and give you our analysis of your case without any cost or further obligation.

What does it cost to file a Michigan priest sexual abuse lawsuit?

We are committed to representing all persons involved in a Michigan priest sex abuse lawsuit on a contingency basis, meaning there are never any legal fees unless we win compensation in your case. To access your free, no-obligation consultation, use the online chat feature or contact form on this site. One of our lawyers handling Michigan priest sexual abuse lawsuit claims will contact you to answer any of your questions.
Even if the abuse occurred long ago, many survivors of Michigan priest sexual abuse may now qualify to file for damages. Contact our attorneys to learn about your legal options.

Aren't these just class action lawsuits where the plaintiff receives very little money?

No. Our firm has reason to believe plaintiffs in Michigan priest sex abuse lawsuits may be entitled to significant compensation, though the exact figure depends on individual circumstances of each case. The Catholic Church in California allocated $1.2 billion for priest sexual abuse settlements in 2002. In 2007, one priest sexual abuse lawsuit against the Los Angeles Archdiocese resulted in awards of $1.3 million for each survivor. Michigan Priest Sex Abuse Lawsuit

We're not the type of people who sue; do we really need to file a lawsuit?

If you or a member of your family was sexually abused as a child or teen by a priest, youth leader, or Catholic school teacher, you have likely been dealing with the aftermath of this trauma in one way or another ever since. It is difficult to put a number on the cost of the suffering to a person's emotional health and development, yet we know the harm is considerable. No amount of money can undo the wrong, but we believe winning a priest sexual abuse lawsuit and the compensation that comes with it can help in the healing process in a variety of ways. It is our fervent hope that every priest sexual abuse lawsuit we file can serve to make the responsible persons and institutions take note of the trauma and pain that has resulted. When that fails to make a diocese or parish take action to protect the safety of children, we rely on financial pressure to push for meaningful change. In all too many Catholic dioceses, the fear of lawsuits and large settlements is what ultimately pushes the church to make changes to protect the children in its care.

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